Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Halley's homemade chocolate covered waffles

I was woke up that morning with a questions; The Hailey's what to come at 11am or 8pm to make their families famous `Chocolate syrup w/ waffles` for your birthday, what do you want me to tell them? Mom wasn't sure if we were going fishing or had some other plans, we didn't. Ma call them back and set the time for 7pm. We had a ton of soring cleaning to do before they arrive.

They showed up right on time with Renee & Natalie in toe. They had the ingredients partially combined and all the cookware required. Jean started cooking immediately, mixing the cocoa power syrup ingredients & waffle mix. Everything moved very quickly! Jean had the waffles served up faster then a line-cook. Dad had gone out earlier for chocolate chip ice cream for this little party, it was my idea and a good idea it was! 

The chocolate syrup with waffles alone was fantastic but the addition of the ice-cream, well, that was a true inspiration! The addition of the creamy cold ice cream with the salty waffles and rich chocolate sauce was a real winning combination.

Christina & Rick were able to make it, fortunately for them. We sat around the rest of the evening eating to our hearts-content and playing with Natalie. As dad said, she's like watching a campfire! 

It was a good birthday w/ my family and friends!

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