Sunday, January 17, 2010

01-16-2010 Bartlett Lake Crappie - Can fishing get any better?

Fish Count: 23 Crappie, 5 Catfish Total: 28

We got to the lake around 1:30PM, it was definitely cold and over cast. I had a 1hr meeting with Bryan (the marina owner) to discuss his two websites, spring marketing w/ Jon and the progress of Boat Club Manager before I could start fishing. Dad was already in our spot and had one huge bite right before I showed up but missed the hook-set because he was trying to Marine open an MRE. I went straight to our second spot, hooked up my new fish pole holder and my newest invention, The ACME Fishing Pole Potentiometer Hook-Setter w/ Mouth Release. The name seems a bit long, I'll work on that! I'd like to report that the rig worked like intended but it didn't. The string got knotted up, the release line wasn't long enough and the bloody thing wouldn't release! (That and the line tasted terrible!) Otherwise, I think with some refinements the idea is sound. Mean while, dad was getting hit like crazy and pulled up one nice slab crappie. I quickly packed-up the TAFPHS w/ MR and moved my butt to the honey hole. The next 30min were frantic! Dad was trying to get a MRE going but that would have to wait! The fish were coming fast and furious, the minnow wouldn't even make it 10ft before we'd get hit! Literally, every time a minnow hit the water we would hook up (w/ only a few misses). Dad didn't even have enough time to get his pole in the water. If we had two or three poles going I guarantee we'd have caught 30+ fish in 30mins. All the fish were around 3/4 pound, just lite enough to heave out of the water w/o ripping the hook out. We did loose one that way but ended up catching him the ever next cast. The lake gods were looking favourably on us this day! That's right, we caught the one that got away! At least, dad and I would like to think so. He did have two fresh wounds in his mouth, greedy little bugger! For the 2nd trip in a row, dad banged one little bugger on the underside of the marina, ripped the hook out and knocked that crappie OUT! Those little crappie really have a weak noodle! This time the hook impaled on the underside of a boats running board, the fish banged off the board, flipped back into the water but luckily he slowly floated back to the surface. I saw him just floating there, dad had more then enough time to scoop him up with the net. That crappie was out for a good 45sec! A few minutes later, I hook into a Line Zinger! I was staring at my limp line and rod tip, watching for the slightest movement, when the line went less limp (there was no `bite`, just a sense). I yelled for dad to set the hook and just held on! We both thought it was a bass but to our complete astonishment, it was a GIANT 2.52LBS female crappie (weighed by an official G&F scale at Bartlett Lake Marina). She was a beautiful 15 inch Black Crappie, 2 inches across her back and very full bodied (thick)! She was half full of eggs, not really showing yet. The `fattening` up season must have just started (cold water but warm days). I did feel a bit bad for not releasing her but that pasted after a few moments. Don't fret, she'll make a fine meal! We were really lucky to land her, she tangled in dads line and banged into the out-drive twice. She even pulled drag twice! Dad thinks his jigging attracted the big girl. Dad also hooked into something BIG (we think it was a big crappie). His pole doubled over, the fish rocked to the left straight under the marina and pulled off! Dad was disgusted!! Damn near threw his pole down. After the first 30min., the crappie came slow and steady with just a few moments of craziness. I had just enough time between the action to take a few bites of my macaroni w/ cheese & BBQ beef patty MRE. (Side Note: The Gov't is getting chincy w/ the 2010 MRE's! They barely had enough for one person and the portions are smaller. 2003-2009 MRE's were over full with snacks, mixed drinks and entrees. Damn you B.O.! ;-p) The crappie really started messing with us! They were hitting the minnows w/ their gill plates, sucking on them and carrying the minnows around in their lips. The little buggers wouldn't EAT IT! I even managed to hook one in the back behind the gill plate. We caught an additional 5 catfish (none of any size, the biggest 1lb'er came right as we were packing up to leave at 5:30PM), no bluegill or bass. We ended up burning through five dozen minnows and caught 23 crappie. This trip was by-far the earliest we've ever got off the water after night fishing. It's good we came in early, as it was, Dad was out filleting them for 1.5hrs. If we brought home any more he would have been stuck cleaning'em for hours. Plus, it was crazy cold and we are out of hand-warmers.

The earth almost shot up and collided with my brand new pocket camera but fortunately I was able to summon `The Force` to advert tragedy! Dad was showing me the pictures he had just taken, as he turned the earth made it's move! Fortunately, I was able to use my innate midichlorians to catch the wrist strap on my rode holder, causing it to flip 360 degrees twice around my stand w/o hitting anything. At the same time, I restrained the earth and adverted disaster! Now, someone might say, the wrist strap snagged my pole holder as dad turn away from me, pulling the camera from his hand, flipped twice and by sheer dumb luck the camera didn't fall to it's untimely demise. That `someone` isn't me. If only I could figure out how to use The Force to fly my wheelchair around or even just hold up my whiskey flask! :-\ Cheers!

Location: Bartlett Lake

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