Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Haiti, Capitalism & the wealthy

Through all the strife, American capitalism still has proven the best at helping lift the poorest and most destitute. The clearest example; the fat, ugly Americans have provided $200 Mil in donation in less then 5 days! That's is addition to Obamas $100 Mil (not counting his personal donation of $15,000!). The closest any other country has come to giving is Britain's $30 Mil but I'll give them major credit for scraping up anything! They've had to live through Brown (a glimmer of our future w/ Obama)! American philanthropy is great but as soon as all the T.V. crews go home w/ a blubbering Geraldo Rivera accosting some poor prop child in tow, all the donations will stop.

The people of Haiti have a long road ahead of them! Most say it will be 5 years before the first earth-quake destroyed building is rebuilt. Everyone knows the attention span of us stupid Americans in the Age of MTV makes a 5 year old ADD child look like a Tibetan monk! Hell, most are already getting tired of the `stupid` news interrupting their American Idol to plead w/ us to text more money to `Support Haiti & the Red Cross`. Don't even get me started on George Clooney Save Haiti Telethon! God only knows who will get that money! I'll bet the corrupt Haitian president (dictator) is picking the color of his new Mercedes leather interior as he watches Hollywood shed their alligator tears for the poor Haitian orphans. If only we could get them to show the same sympathy for our efforts to fight terrorism, maybe sell a war bond or volunteer w/ the USO. I will not be holding my breath! What the Haitian need is income that last longer, something they can build upon. What they need is good old Adam Smith capitalism!

Take this tragedy and turn it into the re-founding of the Haitian capital. Every demolished building has to be bull-dosed and trucked off. The scraps recycled (in 3rd world countries they actually reuse concrete, well I'll be! Recycling, what a concept!) and made into new building materials. For example; after Katrina, New Orleans and Mississippi was flooded w/ an army of small landscape business's (mostly emigrant workers) drawn to the overwhelming need to clean up those cities (not to mention the billions in federal contracts). Mayor Ray Nagent couldn't have possibly pilfered all the money, could he? As you read this an army of Haitians are being paid $1.50/day a clear rubble & trucks are running 24/7 to the dump. I know what you greedy collective bargaining unionised American would surely `walk` if someone dare offer you $1.50/day for hard labor in a hazardous work environment! What would you have the Haitians do? Work for free, touting, "Civic Duty"? That mere $1.50/day will go a long way to support a family in the 3rd world. Once the rubble has been cleared away there will be a great need for construction workers. Do you really think the nations capital is going to be abandoned? Once the rumbling has stopped and all the bodies removed, construction will start. If planned, the city could be a jewel in the western hemisphere, akin to the old Cuba (pre-revolution).

Obamas favorite Fat Cats would flock to Haiti! With no natural resources the only revenue available is Tourism! A perfect example; a Cruise-line industry just this week had to make the hard decision to either by-pass the Haitian island port-of-call or carry on `business as usual`. They made the right decision and disembarked on the island. The news is having a fit! How dare those fat Americans drink Mai Tai on the beach while poor earth-quake orphans are starving in the street! Would you prefer the fat Americans keep their stubby hands in their pockets and NOT waste their `not so` hard earned money on coconuts in the shape of a funny monkey? So, your telling me that the funny monkey maker no longer needs income? When the earth-quake shook the monkey makers money tree, the EUROs fluttered endlessly around his feet and he need only rack them up? No!, this poor hard working guy with a mound of rotting coconuts needs your sticky American dollars! He needs a steady reliable income source that isn't predicated on Clooneys big bleeding heart that only flows when children are dying by the school bus load. The people of Haiti need the ugly Americans capitalism! America, if you truly want to support Haiti buy your cruise-line tickets and a coconut monkey for every member of your family.

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