Thursday, November 12, 2009

Bartlett Lake October 17, 2009

Another fantastic day on the water w/ Christina and Rick & I managed to NOT turn dad into a human boat-bumper! We got out on the water late with the intention to stay out past dark. Rick drove us straight across the lake to some islands and bays. I rigged up a new slow trolling worm spinner rig that I had been working on all week with great hope. I trolled it along slowly for a good hour while dad and Rick casted for bass before my rig got hit! Dad quickly grabbed the pole and pulled in not one but TWO large bluegill on one line! The rig got hit another 10 times over the next 2 hours but only hooked one more big gills. The rig needs some refinement to catch those darn short bits. We'll be running two improved rigs next time! Dad caught a few little fish and Christina & Rick got skunked. I was able to park the boat in our slip safely w/ no excitement. We fished on the marina til 8pm w/o a single bite. We ended up 4 bluegills.

Bob Jung
Sounds like lot of friggin work for 4 stinkin bluegills! We used to catch them with hotogs and a hook!

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