Thursday, November 12, 2009

Willey Coyote June 28 at 9:36pm

On the way home from the lake we had a bit of an incident! Dad forgot to stap my backend of my chair down, oops! Some how I made it outa the mountains but it wasn't to last. Dad put the brakes on hard and I did a Willey Coyote into the back of his drivers seat smashed between the wheelchair and the seat. My feet rest got bent down & smashed. Luckly, I'm ok! More of a ride then

Kristina M
Glad u r ok! Oh my...reminds of the first time I strapped my god kids into their car seats, looking in the rear view proud of my accomplishment as we rounded a corner, and I watched them tilt, then smack right over onto each other! Whoopsy!

Dustin G
glad your ok ryan... but that had to be an experience of a lifetime and i bet it hurt like hell

Adam C
I bet you were wishing you coulda landed in my lap this time...

Ryan K
Luckily but chest strap didn't pop off!

Ryan K
Adam! You Wish! I got the black-eye!

how scary this must ha e been !

Bob J
SURE he forgot! lol

Melinda G
Sounds like you had quite the adventure!!

Bob J
That pales in comparison to the time you almost went over the edge at the Grand canyon though!!

Jean H
Well if that had to happen better your dad than Norman. Glad your OK.

Tobi R
I know I am a day late, but that reminds me of a time when your head was face down in Adams lap once upon a time!!! LOL your dangerous in vehicles!!! Be careful!

Lorelei Mellor B
What are we gonna do with Bruce :)! Glad you are ok, how's ur dad!

Ryan K
Jean, Norman did one better! He lowered the van lift BEFORE i got on it at the Venison. I took a header, ass end up, balanced on my feetrest, hanging by my seat belt. Now that HURT! :-p lol Begining of a crazy week, I'll tell you about Studio 51 some day!

Jean H
Studio 51 sounds like a private conversation. Call me. Jean

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