Thursday, November 12, 2009

October 14 at 9:55pm

Another fabulous day! Woke up late to Windows Update totally f*cking up my PDA custom software, took 4 hours to fix AND SOME HOW! deleted every contact on my PDA. Got the insurance certs & maybe picked up a job! (Meeting at 10am tomorrow, wish... me luck!) Nice drive home and then my lift blows a fuse while im still in the van! That was fun getting out ;-p Unfortunately, the main fuse blew and my van is 100% dead! So I had it towed, AGAIN! Fortunately it didnt blow in BFE or Adam would have got a call. Spent the last 5hrs putting everyone back in my PDA. What a week!

BTW it's only going to cost $50 to fix my wrecked boat! Yay!

Van Update 10-15-09: Wasn't a fuse! Where the lift was spliced into the main power had loosened up over the years, arked and burned through the wires! EEK! Only cost $89, luckily...Wire fires freak me out! That's how my last boat burned up.

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